Helping your kids learn about tooth erosion and the impact of treats we give to our little “sweets”
Dr. Shane Snider Dentistry will tell you himself, as he has a young family, that it can be challenging to teach your child the importance of frequent and consistent brushing. Although we are all aware that candies and soft drinks with high sugar content or acidity...
Snacks that you and your teeth will find delicious!
When it comes to maintaining a healthy mouth, many of our patients tell us that they carry a supply of cavity fighters with them on a daily basis. The most common items being a manual toothbrush and floss. Dr. Shane Snider, who practices out of our Brooklin office,...
Is a Crown Really Necessary After a Root Canal?
After receiving a root canal, many of our patients inquire if placing a crown (cap) on the tooth is truly necessary. In Dr. Shane Snider’s opinion, the answer is yes. In case of root canal treatment, it’s important to remember that only the interior of the tooth is...
Avoid a Spooky Smile this Halloween!
Halloween is fast approaching and there is no doubt your child will be coming home with a seemingly endless supply of sugary candy! While many parents enjoy letting their kids indulge in the treats of the season, they often wonder how much is too much. When does...
Year End is Approaching – Maximize your Dental Benefits!
The end of the calendar year is fast approaching and many of our patients inquire if it’s best to get treatment completed prior to the end of the year. There are several reasons the answer to this question is yes. Yearly Maximum Most insurance companies have a yearly...
Our Patients Rock!
Question: Does our office have the most amazing patients? Answer: We sure do!! Check out our patient, Brent Jensen, who announced his debut novel "No Sleep 'Til Sudbury." Way to go Brent!
Patients of all ages should enjoy good oral health!
Recently, our office completed a complimentary seminar to our friends at The Court at Brooklin (Ontario senior living centre). Topics of discussion included Tooth brushing, Oral Disease, Flossing, Denture Care and Dry Mouth. We love giving back to our community and...
Your Child’s 1st Dental Visit. When Should You Start?
Knowing when to take your child for their first dental visit can be a challenge. Are they ready? Will they co-operate? They don’t have more than two teeth yet! There are so many thoughts to be had. At our office, the rule of thumb is the sooner the better. ...
Helping Hands Daycare
We share our building with some other great local businesses; one of them is the Helping Hands Daycare! Recently we hosted their Sr. Preschool class for a tour of our office and to learn about brushing. We received a very thoughtful thank you card after and we loved...
Are you on a new medication?
Medications and Teeth Staining Before and After pictures of a picture we saw this week. She was put on a new medication that caused some extrinsic staining and left the patient feeling embarrassed when smiling. Some medications do result in patient dry-mouth or even...