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FAQ – Cosmetic
What is a smile makeover?
Depending on the patient’s individual dental needs, the answer will vary. Sometimes it can mean simply fixing a filling or restoration, or even whitening the teeth. Other times, it can be more complicated and involve permanent solutions like replacing missing teeth with implants, crowns, bridges, or veneers. In order to make sure each patient is aware of all of their options, we recommend they book a consultation with one of the dentists at Dr. Shane Snider Dentistry to discuss their unique needs.
My dentures don’t fit well even if I use denture adhesives. Do I have other options?
This is a very common problem that a lot of denture wearers experience. When the dentures become loose and move, from forces like a strong tongue, it can be very embarrassing. In just 2-3 hours the dentists at Dr. Shane Snider Dentistry are able to secure and clip a patient’s denture in place with dental implants.
I am missing multiple teeth; do I need to have an implant put in to replace each one?
Absolutely not. For example, all the teeth of the lower jaw can be permanently replaced with a denture held in place with only 4 implants. However, sometimes it’s more advantageous to replace each back tooth with its own implant because of the additional stress those teeth endure with chewing.
I can’t seem to keep my denture in its proper position because my gag reflex is very strong. Do I have other options to make this more comfortable?
The roof of the mouth is what stimulates the gag reflex and allows people to taste and feel temperatures of the foods they eat. Unfortunately, upper dentures are fitted to cover the roof of the mouth, with a suction type effect. With the use of dental implants, it’s possible to remove some of the denture material that sits over the roof of the mouth, so that not only will there be no gag reflex, but eating will be more enjoyable. Sometimes the lower dentures can also be unstable, despite adhesives, but with just two implants the entire denture can be fully supported.
I am interested in implants but wonder if I am a good candidate for them?
Most people are eligible for implants and they are becoming increasingly popular and common in dentistry. That being said, there are a few medical conditions that will determine if the dental implant placement is successful or not, such as uncontrolled diabetes. For the best answer, we recommend booking a free consultation with one of our dentists so they can go over a patient’s medical history and current condition and give them all of their treatment options. When it comes to getting implants, the main question is does the patient have good quality and quantity of bone in their jaw. Even if there has been bone loss, there are procedures that can be done before getting the implant that can actually add or create new bone in the jaw.
When it comes to getting implants, does age matter?
Age is not really a factor when it comes to implants. Improving the quality of life and a patient’s desire to increase their overall health and well-being are the most important things. At Dr. Shane Snider Dentistry we have patients, ranging from as young as 20 to over 80 years old, who have gotten implants placed in our office. There is even evidence showing that the younger someone replaces their missing teeth with implants, as oppose to dentures, the less shrinking of the jaw bone that occurs because it is continuously stimulated by the implant.
I have heard stories from people about their implants being rejected, is that a real possibility?
At Dr. Shane Snider Dentistry we ensure, before we put in an implant, that the patient’s mouth is healthy and will be receptive to it. The reason for an implant to fail is that they aren’t able to bond well with the patient’s jaw bone. This means that as the implant is healing, new bone isn’t able to grow around the implant. Without this unique process occurring the implant will not become firm in the jaw. Although uncommon it is possible. We ensure to follow up with the patient before, during, and after the surgery to make sure everything is successful and that the patient is happy. We will go through with our patients the proper at-home care for their implants, and also ensure they have continued maintenance care for their implants at our office, to ensure long-term success.
How long will an implant last?
It’s possible for implants to last a patient’s entire life, and there are things patients can do to ensure this happens. Firstly, coming to the dentist for routine check ups and having cleaning appointments regularly, is very important to ensure a patient is taking good care of their teeth and implants. Also, maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a role, so that means eating a well balanced nutritious diet, not smoking, and staying active. The reason we suggest investing in dental implants is because of there health benefits, but also their longevity. If a patient were to go with denture/bridges they would be replacing them several times throughout their lives as dentures will only last around 5 years and bridges only around 7-10 years.
What’s involved in taking care of implants?
The at home care for implants is very similar to that of regular teeth. Even though they aren’t susceptible to cavities, gum disease and bone loss is still a big concern, so at home care is essential. The same bacteria that effect someone’s gums and bone can also effect the dental implants. To prevent any issues, we encourage patients to come for regular check ups and cleanings, so they can ensure their dental implants remain healthy.
I am worried that the procedure of getting the implants placed is painful, do I need to be worried?
There is absolutely nothing to be worried about. At Dr. Shane Snider Dentistry most patients tell us they have little to no pain during or after the procedure. The procedure isn’t very long either, usually, it’s under an hour in length. Most patients don’t even use any pain medication, even though we can prescribe it as needed, to alleviate any discomfort experienced in the first few days.
How long have dental implants been around for?
Dentists have been replacing missing teeth with implants for more than 30 years and there is a ton of research that exists to support their effectiveness. The dentist at Dr. Shane Snider Dentistry have additional training in performing the entire dental implant procedure and have been providing these services on-site at the office for several years.
I’m worried about the cost of implants because I hear they are very expensive?
The initial cost of dental implants may seem very high compared to its alternatives, such as dentures, but in the long term the implant will likely end up costing a patient less overall. The cost of a single implant begins at $2800 and increases when multiple implants are being placed. Without treating missing teeth, more and more corrective procedures become necessary as time progresses, and the cost ends up increasing. Often patients who chose to delay implant placement come in with bone loss and then require bone grafts to replace what’s been lost. It’s ideal to get implants before any of this occurs, to save money in the long run. As well, the alternative of dentures, can be associated with other issues such as weight loss (due to poor diet and difficulty chewing) and low self-esteem and low self-confidence.
I’ve seen immediate dental implants being advertised, what is the process for those?
With the advancements of implant technology, if a tooth needs to be removed, we can now remove the tooth and place the replacement implant all in the same appointment. This means only one surgery for the patient, less of an expense, and a much faster healing time. After the implant is placed we provide different temporary tooth replacement solutions to the patient while they are healing.
What’s the difference between a bridge and an implant? I’ve heard that you need to grind down teeth to make a bridge fit?
When a bridge is fitted and placed, the teeth are filed down somewhat. This process can weaken the teeth which makes them more susceptible to oral health issues like cavities, gum disease, and possibly even root canal therapy. Implants are easier to take care of because patients are still able to floss and brush normally, and aren’t depending on the support of other teeth to maintain it. Implants are the best option for someone seeking to have the most natural looking smile back. That being said, sometimes bridges are still the ideal choice for treatment – it all depends on the case. For example, if the nearby teeth have large fillings and would benefit from having full crowns placed on them, the bridge then is a great choice.
How long is the typical implant treatment from start to finish?
Generally, the process takes anywhere between 3-9 months long but it really varies based on the type of implants being placed and how many implants are needed. Another factor to consider is the quality of bone in the patient’s jaw where the implant is being placed. Although the alternatives, such as dentures, may seem like a faster treatment option they aren’t able to prevent bone loss or give a patients smile the natural look, like implants are able to do.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Call us today at 905-655-6255.